Infographics Reflection

What Went Well (www)One of the positive element which went well while researching the infographics itself is that. I had the opportunity to discover and learn the importance of creating an infographic and the fact that, how it can help everyone to easily learn information through just visualising. Additionally, one of the other key aspect which I learn about while researching is that. It can also benefit us in terms of like sharing information in Social Media Platform such as Facebook, Twitter and Instagram etc.

Similarly, one of the positive thing which went well while creating the infographics is that. I included and create charts/data which could provide help me provide information through graphical way rather than writing entire information.

However, one of the negativity which I came across while researching the information and creating the infographics itself is that. The software program which I used to create infographic didn’t had enough free resources such as icons and symbol. Some of them include purchasing the element. Which is not good because it doesn’t benefit me in terms of financially.

EBI (Even Better if)- In future, I could re-do my infographics again. One of the things which I would improve on would be, adding more information into the infographics itself and doing more research about the topic which I am about to reflect upon in the infographics itself. In addition, in terms of adding information and doing researches. Some of the research tools which I would’ve used is doing surveys to Students in schools, mainly questionining them ‘would you be interested doing job role such as ‘cinematographer? and at the end of surveys I would create a Tally chart,which shows in overall how many number of students interested are actually having Job role such as ‘Cinematographer’.



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